Bio Sanitizer
In view of the wide spread of the COVID 19 Virus, we need to provide cheap, readily available sanitizer for washing vegetables and for cleaning surfaces (like door knobs, cycle handles, furniture etc.). This will help in reducing the severity of the pandemic. We are happy to inform you that we can help in making such a sanitizer available for distribution.
Our sanitizer incorporates Potassium Permanganate, KMnO4 (in dilute form) which is a known, effective bacteria destroyer. It has been shown that vegetables washed with dilute KMnO4 solutions destroy many ( › pmc › articles › PMC5812110).
We have also incorporated hydrogen peroxide in this formulation. Hydrogen peroxide helps in destroying viruses. Hydrogen peroxide is active against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi, corona viruses, and spores (VoprosyVirusologii. 1977 Nov-Dec(6):731-733).
Our formulation contains 0.025% Potassium Permanganate and 0.125% hydrogen peroxide.
The cost of our sanitizer (not for personal use) is very low as compared to the commercially available products.
We recommend that people wash the vegetables brought from the market by immersing them in a tub of water to which an appropriate quantity of our sanitizer is added. The vegetable should be left in the tub for about 10 minutes. Similarly, we recommend that a piece of cloth wetted with our sanitizer should be used for wiping surfaces.
Available in multiple of 10 / 20 /25 litres quantity.